Oh good. You're here

Hi, you. I'm Siobhán.

I'm just moving my website over from another platform and it's been surprisingly annoying. There are some bits and bobs not finished yet, including my previous workshops and classes. If you're looking for something in particular and you can't find it, give me a shout via email.

If we haven't yet met, here's a couple of things about me:

what I've been doing

I've been helping people with anxiety, overthinking, stress and overwhelm for 6+ years as a coach and mental health practitioner. My work draws from perennial traditions that help us see beyond our passing experiences of thoughts and feelings to our true nature. There, we find peace, resilience, clarity and lots of nice things.

The podcast I've been hosting up until July 2024 reflects this work. You can find the archive on this site and it's also here: the Inner Peace & Other Cool Shit podcast .

but things are changing a bit...

After an unexpected (and rather inconvenient, I must say) awakening to the complex, entangled issues facing us on this planet, I’ve had to face up to a few truths about my own role and rethink how I support others. The way I work, share, and contribute is evolving now to meet the demands of our extraordinary times.

This evolution is far from over. I suspect it’s just beginning, actually, much to the annoyance of my capitalist-conditioned, worth-chasing mind that wants me out there 'hustling' or some other bullshit, rather than timidly tip-toeing through the doorway of a completely new worldview. This means I am learning and discovering alongside you.

We'll be exploring together how our personal challenges connect with broader socio-cultural patterns and collective ideologies. How the Big Thoughts of society and our globalised world influence our Little Thoughts, the ones that shape our day-to-day experience.

Said another way: the reason you feel so darn shit and the reason why another species has become extinct in the time you've read this page have common roots. Let's look there.

"Thought creates our experience and then says 'I didn't do it!'"- David Bohm, physicist and delightful human

Understanding the nature of thought and its role in creating everything— from anxiety attacks in the work toilets, to feelings of worthlessness as parents, to panic and urgency when considering our future, to immense global challenges like unprecedented inequality, conflict, environmental degradation and social breakdown —can help us navigate these astonishing times.

A bit, at least. But there's more.

We'll be nuzzling into a space** where systems thinking, culture, ecology, sociology and mental health connect. Why are we like the way we are and why does it matter?

I'd love you to come along.

**When I'm not nuzzling into that space with people, you'll find me puffing up a mountain in my current home of Aotearoa/New Zealand, or slurping tea from a mug with a zebra on it.

Shall we be friends?

If you're interested in this kind of discussion, pop your name in the box to stay up to date. I love hearing your ideas and observations too, so email me if you have something to share.

If you know you want to hang out with me, head over here to book.