I guide people along paths to calmer minds, less anxiety, more peace and all that nice stuff. If you have a busy mind, panic attacks, debilitating thought storms, an OCD, GAD, ADHD diagnosis or similar, I'd like to help you.

I'm now also working alongside others who are turning toward the material and ideological realities of our dear earth, to see how we may be of service. If you are struggling with all that is unravelling, I can walk with you.

group and community

I host a drop-in Overwhelm Booth and group classes and workshops, all offered by donation or gift. To get notified about these events, pop your email in the box at the bottom of this page, or go here. If you're already on my Friends List (yay), no need to do anything; I'll be in touch.

just you and me

If you need one-on-one private support, use the calendar below to book in with me. These sessions are also offered by donation.


After booking an event or session with me, you'll be directed to another page where you can choose a donation amount that feels right to you—one that is fair, honest, and respectful of your financial situation. Your contribution helps support my work and allows me to offer assistance to those in need.

I deeply value fairness and redistribution and am honoured to work with individuals who recognise and share these principles. Thank you so much.

If you don’t see a link to my calendar below or if there are no available slots in your timezone, pop me an email telling me what you need and I'll get back to you.