Nature: our ultimate teacher 🌱

Why Are We Pretending Normal Life Is Fine When It’s Actually Very Unnatural and Weird? 🎙️

In Our Nature podcast; Episode 3 This episode discusses lying

Imagination, Stories & Systems: The Forces Shaping These Times with Sarah Patterson of Common Earth 🎙️

In Our Nature podcast; Episode 2 Looking for fascinating insights

"All Of This" (gestures around wildly) "Is Not in Our Nature"🎙️

In Our Nature podcast, the first one Welcome to the

Introducing: The In Our Nature Podcast 🎙️

In Our NatureAbsolutely everything is interconnected in astonishing dynamic ways

🎙️ Episode 56: "We Will Always, Always Find Our Way Back" With Erika Bugbee

How wonderful to have Erika Bugbee as my special guest

The 20 (At Least) Types of Rest We Need

📝Mentions: Pie, crying in the baking aisle (not related to

What Nature Can Teach Us About ....Overwhelm

📝Mentions: Screaming into a tea-towel, mould spores, unprecedented inequality, dry

"The 5 Most Useful Things I've Learned About Anxiety...and Life" By Anxious Alice

📝Mentions: Crying over bread, divorce, Brexit, unwell parents, joyous freedom,

On the Solstice, Emergence, and When Change Is Hard & Cold

And why you might (just might) wanna keep going, even

🎙️Episode 40: Understanding the Nature of Humans Makes Everything Easier

Join me to explore the true nature of human beings