You Have a Radically Powerful (But Highly Misunderstood) Gift That Can Transform Your Experience of a World in Chaos 🎙️
In Our Nature podcast; Episode 5
Ok, you want to know what your radically powerful (but highly misunderstood) gift that can transform your experience of a world in chaos is without listening to the whole episode? It's GRATITUDE.
... if that feels like a disappointing, damp, dribbly answer....then this episode is especially for you.
Today we’re revealing gratitude as the profound, fierce, and life-affirming force that connects us to the world around us and NOT the superficial, commodified version many of us in the West grew up with.
True gratitude is an enlivening power that counters the emotional fallout of these bewildering times of environmental, mental and social degradation.
We’ll cover:
- How true gratitude has been stripped of its deeper meaning in consumerist culture and sold back to us as a shallow practice
- The implications of this watered-down version of gratitude—how it became just another performative task, often leaving us feeling more inadequate and sh*t
- How the pressure to be grateful for the trappings of modern life has masked the deeper sources of life and well-being ...leaving us more disconnected from nature and each other
- How practicing gratitude is an act of resistance in a world that pushes us toward disconnection, apathy, and scarcity
- How real gratitude connects us to each other and the larger web of life...and why this matters especially now
- Paradigm-changing people who help us see the power of true gratitude such as Robin Wall Kimmerer and Joanna Macy's Work That Reconnects (see below)
- The role of gratitude in mental health and our experiences with anxiety
Joanna Macy and the Work That Reconnects
Robin Wall Kimmerer and her book, Braiding Sweetgrass

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Thanks for being with me today. You rock.