The power of thought & our other gifts 🎁

Clarity, resilience, a self-settling mind, wisdom, intuition

🎙️Episode 45: “We are Never Stuck... Life is Always Flowing" with Stephen Ladd

Stephen Ladd joins me on the podcast today for a

🎙️Episode 1: How Our Human Experience Works

In the first ever episode of the Inner Peace &

🎙️Episode 34: Should We Try to Manage, Control or Change Our Thoughts? (Part 2)

Hang out with me for the second part of our

🎙️Episode 33: Should We Try to Manage, Control or Change Our Thoughts? (Part 1)

I’m recovering from a cold so if you can

🎙️Episode 27: You Are Not Your Thoughts...So Who Are You Then? (Part 2)

Welcome to part 2 of our exploration! Perhaps you may

🎙️Episode 26: You Are Not Your Thoughts...So Who Are You Then? (Part 1)

Do you take your thoughts seriously? Do you think you

🎙️Episode 46: “You Have an Intuitive Knowing That Helps You Navigate Life” With Dicken Bettinger

I was incredibly honoured to have Dicken Bettinger as my

🎙️Episode 13: You Don't Need a Tool or Technique To Fix Something That's Not Broken

Tried all the things to calm your frantic mind but

🎙️Episode 5: Your Inner GPS Is 37,121,603x Better Than Google Maps

Ever heard that little voice inside tell you to do

🎙️Episode 2: The Enormous Misunderstanding About Our Thoughts

Our lives are a constant stream of thinking.  It could