Being a human today 🪂

🎙️Episode 66: We’ve Made Up What Mental Illness Is (And Who Decides What’s Normal Anyway?)

In today's episode we are exploring how our

🎙️Episode 53: "We Can Be Free To Live Life" With Dr Bill Pettit

What an utter privilege and joy to have Dr William

🎙️Episode 47: Befriending Uncertainty a Little Bit [Part 1]

Ah, us humans hate uncertainty don’t we? But why?

🎙️Episode 1: How Our Human Experience Works

In the first ever episode of the Inner Peace &

🎙️Episode 69: That Calm Mind You Yearn For? The Books, Courses, Coaching & Podcasts Might Not Be Helping (Including This One)

Today's episode is asking you to check in

🎙️Episode 39: Freedom From Anxiety Begins With This Unsexy Little Word

Join me to explore the incredible power of NOTICING when

🎙️Episode 7: Your Brain Is Just Being a Brain

If you experience a ton of negative thinking,  catastrophising, ruminating