The power of thought & our other gifts 🎁

Clarity, resilience, a self-settling mind, wisdom, intuition

🎙️Episode 18: Finding Peace From Those Pesky Intrusive Thoughts

Do you suffer from repetitive, ultra-distressing, shit-feeling thoughts? You’re

🎙️Episode 14: Thought: How to Use This Mind-Boggling Superpower

Thought is so much more than our personal, me-me-me thinking.

🎙️Episode 11: Clarity, Creativity, Confidence, Joy, Resilience & Lots of Other Cool Shit

Ever heard or read that ‘everything you need is inside

🎙️Episode 43: “Who We Really Are Is Unbreakable” with Wyn Morgan

I can’t wait to share an intriguing, wisdom-filled and

🎙️Episode 35: "Security Is Built-In" with Christine Heath and Judy Sedgeman

I loved having Christine Heath and Judy Sedgeman as my

🎙️Episode 62: How to Answer Your Own Questions When Everything Is Confusing and Weird

Join me to explore how we can answer our questions,

🎙️ Episode 59: "But My Problems Create My Thoughts, so How Does This Stuff Even Help?"

Have you ever been musing on the ideas explored in

🎙️ Episode 57: The Ordinary, Everyday Clues That Reveal Our Anxiety-Busting Powers (That We Completely Ignore)

Today we are taking a look at the cool clues

🎙️ Episode 52: Anxiety Freedom: Big Fat Myths Debunked (Part 1)

Us humans seem to think that a journey to less

🎙️ Episode 51: "Your Mind Quiets Itself" With Dave Berman

What fun to have coach, laughter expert and vibrant human